Men love a sexy southern accent, Jasmina explains, and she loves the slower pace and the attitude of South America, even though she’s chosen to make Torino her home. As an escort, she loves to show off her brand of southern hospitality, and she loves to wow the guys she meets with just how charming and passionate she can be. “I’m a very passionate person,” she explains. “I love to embrace life with everything I’ve got. I’m very high energy. That isn’t something that everybody responds to. It’s not because being high energy isn’t fun for everybody. I think we have all known someone like that. We all have that friend we consider the life of the party, somebody who just kind of brings this infectious energy into the room with them. They’re funny and outgoing, and witty, and they tend to bring out the best in everybody else. But a high-energy person isn’t for everyone, especially romantically. There are guys who couldn’t handle the kind of vivacious approach I have to live.”